I am fascinated by doors, the older, the better, and I have seen many on our travels around the world that I would simply love to have as the entrance to my home. And if those old doors could speak, what tales they would tell!

A door is a portal. If it’s open, it becomes a passageway, an opportunity to move from one environment to another. It’s no wonder that this metaphor is sprinkled throughout scripture, an insistent reminder that life is a continual adventure for those brave enough to want to discover what lies beyond doors presently closed by hardship, frustration, sickness, or pain, to name only a few.

During our recent journey through the book of Revelation, I was struck again by these words written to the Philadelphian church in Revelation 3:8: ‘I know your deeds. See, I have flung open before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.’

It seems to me that here we are given God’s recommended way of experiencing more open doors during our journey on earth. In our desire to make sure our lives are a demonstration of salvation by faith and not works, we too often discount the value God places on the good we were meant to do in this sin-sick and troubled world! I often remind myself of the words of our Lord Jesus; even a cup of water, given in His name, is rewarded by the One who sees and knows everything.

Giving, or generosity of spirit as I prefer to call it, is an essential part of a contented life – never letting an opportunity go by to bless someone in some way. These days, a closed door is no longer an angst-inducing challenge. Rather, it is a call for me to re-examine my giving, my generosity, my desire to be a blessing to the next person that God sends my way. My late mother and grandmother always wanted to put something in the hands of a departing visitor. Sometimes it was ‘only’ flowers, fruit or veggies from the garden, but even as a child I understood how important this was. Of course, I know that generosity is not always tangible or even visible to others, but, giving, directed by the Spirit of God, can literally change the trajectory of a life! And, according to Hebrews 6:10: ‘God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.’ 

Once upon a time, long ago, we traveled around the States with a Gospel quartet who loved to sing a song with this chorus: ‘And it keeps on coming back, it keeps on coming back, everything I give to Him, or give in His name, keeps on coming back! When I hand it out the front door, don’t you know He hauls it in the backdoor, and I can’t get ahead of Him – it comes on coming back!"

Yes, it does!!