Since the beginning of this year our morning ritual includes listening to the Bible, at least 1 chapter at a time, and we are both loving what this is doing to our spirits. We take our time over of a pot of Africa Blend tea, enjoying our fine china cups, a homemade rusk and poetry. Scriptures we have read many times are suddenly being freshened by what happens in our minds when we only use our ears. At the moment we are in Romans, and I am intrigued by the very interesting conversations that have come about through doing this. Our insights are fueled by our imaginations, not merely our intellects. I am an artist, Best Beloved is an engineer, so we “see” differently, but like all God’s creations, when we put the parts together, what emerges is divinely beautiful.

On my finger is a diamond I have worn for 55 years. Its setting has changed a few times over the years, but it still is the same stone we picked out in the fever of youth so long ago. My uncle, a diamond cutter by trade, sat us down at a table, turned on a bright light and gently poured a handful of rainbows onto the black velvet. Stone by stone he showed us what quality looks like when it has 58 facets to produce fire. We know our stone intimately, and can even describe its tiny flaw, proof that it is a natural stone.

Now, as we listen to the Word we know so well, I am reminded of the hundreds of sermons I have heard over my lifetime, and the multiplied thousands of fellow believers I have met, and I understand that the Divine plan is always for us to complement each other, like a huge, godly diamond. My personal insight and understanding, my individual facet, is only a small part of the great, brilliant Light that shines when I am in unity with the rest of the precious treasure, the Body of Christ.

And then I recall the lyrics of a song Graham Kendrick wrote in the 80’s when we ministered in the UK. It swept the Christian world at that time.
“Lord, the light of your love is shining,
In the midst of the darkness shining,
Jesus, Light of the world shine upon us
Set us free by the truth you now bring us,
Shine on me, shine on me!
Shine Jesus, shine, fill the earth with the Father’s glory,
Blaze Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.
Flow river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy,
Send forth your Word Lord and let there be light!”

These words are only poetry if we can’t or won’t remember that we need each other to show the world the whole treasure that is the Light of the world – Christ in us, the Hope of Glory!